If you recall in the last post, I had mentioned in passing that maybe I might be imagining the whole thing. And as the weeks passed, I stewed and stewed until I had convinced myself that all of my symptoms were psychosomatic. I'd read in my pregnancy book - you may experience a recurring metallic taste in your mouth - and I'd say, yes, I do believe it tastes like a dirty copper mine in my mouth. I must really be pregnant! But what threw me off was actually the stuff I read that wasn't happening. Most concertedly, that my boobs would start growing immediately due to all the hormonal changes. Uh, hello? When was that supposed to happen? I was worried about my lack of breast enhancement so much (especially as I continued to talk to many pregnant and post-preg women who all said yes, OMG, my boobs got huge right away, that's how I knew I was pregnant!) that I decided to take another pregnancy test just to make sure it still said YES. So with my DR appointment still a week or so away, while in Phoenix I took another one and sweated and waited to see if really, I'm just crazy. Well, of course it came back positive again, so what does that prove? That I'm not crazy and really am experiencing pregnancy symptoms, or that I am crazy for convincing myself even after 9 weeks that I'm not? It's a conundrum. But at least the most important part is resolved. I'm still having a baby.
I will say though, that at my dr appointment, before she had checked me out, I said - you know Doc, I'm kind of wondering because my boobs haven't gotten any bigger, if everything is normal? And she looked at me with an interesting look and said, well, that is interesting. But you took a pregnancy test, right? yes. And have you been experiencing other symptoms? Oh yes. Phew, well then, I think it's alright but let's check you out. SEE?! It is a concern that my boobs weren't bigger! I'm not crazy! I'll stop talking about it now.
In the next breath as she felt my stomach she said, holy cow, your uterus is huge! You're definitely pregnant! Which is nearly (sans 'uterus' and replace 'cow' with 'shit') what my dad said when he saw me for the first time. At 9 weeks, mind you. Which is exactly what every newly pregnant person wants to hear. I'm just kidding. It's not.
We also heard the heartbeat for the first time, which made me cry with relief that all of this really does have an end result in mind, which is to deliver that beating heart surrounded by freshly baked chubby goodness in about 6 and a half months or so.
Or maybe two beating hearts surrounded by two loaves of chubby goodness. Because despite the fact that twins are in neither Mat's nor my family background, I am now convinced that since my uterus is so huge there must be two in there. I will keep you posted on that as news develops. And obsess about it along the way.
We also have an estimated due date, and since I found out so early with my multiple pregnancy tests Doc thinks we are pretty right on. She says May 5th. But I then doth protest, because May 5th happens to be the birthday of the not-so-favorite ex-wife of my beloved. Seriously, God needs to work on his comedic timing. That one liner didn't even evoke a sarcastic chuckle. I am not pleased. So I am going to change the date to May 4th. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Also, in other just as exciting news, Mat proposed to me in Cape Cod 3 weeks ago! (All that pressure worked...thanks Mom.) Actually, I knew Mat had a plan even before we found out about the meatloaf and he was prudent enough not to give me (or my sister, or my mom) any details so that it actually could be romantic and special and everything I could ever want the moment to be. And it was. (Read more about the proposal if you dare here.)
So, to recap:
1. I am officially, certifiably pregnant.
2. I may be certifiably crazy as well.
3. Baby due date estimated at May 4th 2011!
4. We're getting married!
5. It's possible I maybe 8 months preggo at my wedding!
That's all for now folks. But I will stay in touch.